Kamis, 14 Desember 2017

Dr.dr. Suzy Yusna Dewi SpKJ(K) - School Director

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

As parents, it has never been easy for us to decide which methods/strategies we should apply in bringing them up to their best. With years of experiences and expertise in dealing with minors and teens, we saw a strong urgency to provide the best education on religious basis, yet covering academic competence.
We also are aware that every child is unique, henceforth, each individual deserves to get the best education system throughout their lives.

        Dr.dr. Suzy Yusna Dewi SpKJ(K)
                            School Director

It is our duty and responsibility to find what each individual is good at and shape them according to their talents and passions . 
Islamic Green School provides our pupils with education on religious basis alongside academic competencies, resilience, and leadership, which make them Khaleefah fil ardh.
Staying on the edge of everything in this area has also never been so important like today, so, starting the next academic year 2018-2019, we will be conducting Cambridge Examination Preparatory Class for Primary 1 and Secondary 1.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

Minggu, 10 Desember 2017

Choose the right education for our children

 Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Education is the most powerful weapon. We can use to it change the word. It is a saying but in today's context it is losing its charm.

Hello Everyone, I am here to discuss about the true meaning of education. A word education we come across everyday several time. It means acquiring knowledge by learning. Now a very important question arises that how do we learn. We learn from our day to day experiences. When we analyze any situation especially students their creative thinking develops eventually, it leads to overall development of students.

Vice Director Islamic Green School

Now, most of you would say, No, we learn from our books of physics, math,history, and many more  but that is not learning that is cramming. This is what most of the students are doing today. Yes, it is necessary to study books for getting a job but not enough to live a meaningful and valuable life. We simply read our books get good marks what about out moral and ethical values that is missing in today’s students. They are not even distinguish between what is wrong and what is right. What kind of education are that getting? He was having a number of degrees can we say that he is educated. No. True education is beyond earning degrees it is more than bookish earning degrees it is more than bookish knowledge. Education means inculcating moral values, positive thinking, attitude of helping, attitude of giving to society and ethical values these kind of students are only able to bring changes in society. They will become good citizen of country and most important one good human being such students are able to discover somenthing new, out breaking. They will surely become successful in their life.
In Islamic Green School, it’s our promise to give you everthing that you need to help them realise their ambitions in life. Good grades are just the start.

Selasa, 11 April 2017

Pendaftaran dan Informasi

Belajar tidak melulu soal "Calistung"

Ada banyak cara untuk mengeksplorasi kreatifitas dan keterampilan anak.

Dunia anak adalah dunia imajinasi, dimana anak masih mengembangkan kognitifnya lewat permainan yang merangsang motorik, sensorik sebagai langkah awal berkembangnya kecerdasan intelegensi, emosi dan spritual.

Berikan ruang baginya untuk berimajinasi, berkreativitas, bersosialisasi dan belajar mengenal siapa dirinya, dari mana saya berasal dan kepada siapa saya bertanggung jawab. Berikan kesempatan belajar dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan pada ruang yang tak terbatas.
Apakah anda memiliki putra/i ? Ingin melanjutkan sekolah/pindahan.

Islamic Green School solusinya...

Islamic Green School membuka dua Program kelas tahun ini yaitu :
1. Kelas Standar Nasional plus
2. Kelas Cambridge plus (kelas International Class + Nasional)

Untuk Standar Nasional kami membuka level (TK, SD, SM)
Untuk Kelas Cambridge International Class kami membuka level Kindergaten, Primary and Secondary..

More Information :
Tlp. 021-29081546/ 0851-0095-4085

Ingin tahu lebih lanjut? Datang langsung yukk ke: Jalan Cipete Raya No. 113 Mustikasari-Mustikajaya, Bekasi

Senin, 03 April 2017


Di masa kini mendidik anak memang menjadi tantangan yang besar untuk para orang tua karena mengasuh anak tidak hanya datang dari dunia nyata, melainkan dari dunia maya pun juga ikut berperan. 

Hadirilah Seminar parenting dan daftarkan segera ...
-Hari Sabtu, 08 April 2017
-Tema "Mendidik Anak Di Era Cyber"  
-Pembicara : Emmy Soekresno, S.Pd. (Pakar Pendidikan)
-Tempat : Islamic Green School Jl. Cipete Raya No.113 Kel. Mustkasari Kec. Mustika Jaya Kota Bekasi 
Info lebih lanjut wa/sms 0838 6764 3713 (Rina) & 0858 8029 0422 (Ina)

Senin, 16 Januari 2017

Seminar Parenting

Yuk rama-ramai ayah, bunda, adik-adik, dan teman-teman datang ke Islamic Green School untuk hadir di acara seminar parenting "Andai Aku Jadi Gadegt Ayah Bunda" ...
Dengan pembicara : dr. Suzy Yusna Dewi (Psikiater anak Islamic Green School) dan Dra. Perwitasari (Psikolog Yayasan Kita dan Buah Hati)
Ayo tunggu apalagi ? 
Seminar ini GRATIS alias tidak dipungut biaya !!!

Segera daftarkan diri anda via sms/wa dengan ketik : Nama_Alamat_Nomer Telp
Kirim ke : 081296583753 (Fika) / 083867643713 (Rina)
Pendaftaran paling lambat hari Jum'at, 20 Januari 2017